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Memorial Gifts

Honor someone special in Medora.

The Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation offers several ways to leave a lasting tribute in Medora. From seats in the Burning Hills Amphitheatre to trees and benches across town, our Development Team would be honored to work with you to create a meaningful tribute.

memorial trees

For $500, existing or newly planted trees can be designated as memorial trees. A plaque will be placed on the base of the tree to honor your loved one.

memorial benches

For $2,500, dedicate a bench to someone special, and enhance the beauty and utility of TRMF properties in Medora. A plaque will be placed on the bench.

amphitheatre seats

For the duration of 25 years, honor a loved one with a named seat in the Burning Hills Amphitheatre. Name one seat for $500 or an entire row for $5,000.

Make a memorial gift today.

If you would like to discuss making a memorial gift to the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation, contact our Development Team at 701-223-4800 to chat or set up a meeting.


You can also reach us using the form below.