Medora WISH: More Kids Than Ever See the Medora Musical FREE in 2023!

Each night at the Medora Musical this summer, kids are invited onto the stage to participate in a new Dolly Parton song: “Paint Your Dreams Across the Sky”.
It’s a fitting song for 2023 – because the dream of making the Medora Musical more affordable for families is well on its way to coming true, thanks to Medora WISH.
Altogether, 4,540 kids tickets at the Medora Musical were given free of charge during two runs of Medora WISH Kids Free days – made possible by generous supporters of the Medora WISH Program and Endowment.
And this year, those kids were given the opportunity to say “thank you,” Medora-style!
During Kids Free Week in July, kids added their personal touch to this giant “thank you” card: their colors, drawings, and greetings.
The result is a bright, one-of-a-kind piece of art – made possible by everyone who has supported Medora WISH and its mission to make family entertainment more affordable in Medora.We are deeply grateful to the generous founders of Medora WISH, Don & Pat Clement and Michael & Vicki Zaun – and to every WISH Wrangler, Brander, and supporter who has helped us connect more kids and families to Medora with each passing year.
“It takes a movement of people to help us do something historic,” said Don Clement. “If we can make the Medora Musical free for kids all season, that would be achieving Harold Schafer’s wish for Medora.”
“My wife Vicki was once asked, ‘Why support Medora?’” recalled Mike Zaun. “Her response was, ‘North Dakota is home, and there’s no better place than Medora to focus our energies.’”
To learn more about Medora WISH and how you can get involved, click here.
We also invite you to watch the video below to see how the giant Medora WISH thank-you card was made this summer!