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The Kavlie Family Fund

“Medora is a God place, to me.”

Gaylord Kavlie and his wife Cindy care deeply about Medora—and its potential to positively impact young people and help them thrive both in work and in spirit.  That’s what inspired them to establish the Kavlie Family Fund: an endowment to support faith-based partnerships in Medora. 

Thanks to the Kavlie Fund, organizations like Cru and A Christian Ministry in the National Parks (ACMNP) are able to bring students from across the United States to Medora for summer missions in ministry and worship. All the while, those students work full-time at the Medora Foundation, building character and building life-long relationships. They conduct non-denominational worship services in Medora and Theodore Roosevelt National Park. In turn, the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation provides meeting spaces, housing, and meals to Cru staff and their families for a portion of the summer mission.


In the last decade, more than 175 Cru members have spent their summers in Medora with the help of the Kavlie Fund. And because of Gaylord and Cindy’s endowment, faith-based programs will have the means to partner with TRMF and help connect even more students to Medora for positive, life-changing experiences in the next 100 years.


“I’m really excited to think of the potential our endowment has to change young people’s lives,” Gaylord says. “To help them recognize the importance of faith in their own lives.”

Made Possible By Your Support

These donors have contributed at least $25,000 to this endowment


Created and initially funded by 
Gaylord and Cindy Kavlie

Contribute to The Kavlie Family Fund

The Badlands of North Dakota have an amazing potential to positively impact young people and help them thrive in work and spirit. The Kavlie Family Fund allows us to better realize that potential by supporting faith-based partnerships and welcoming students from across the United States to Medora for summer missions in ministry and worship. The results have been moving and significant. Thank you for helping us achieve so much good.

Supporting faith-based partnerships in Medora