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Scholarships & Awards

Tjaden Scholarships

Each year, the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation welcomes hundreds of seasonal employees to town for an amazing summer of growth, leadership, and fun. And thanks to a growing endowment fund, we’re able to honor employees who demonstrate outstanding work qualities, leadership, and good character with $1,000 Tjaden Scholarships.

In 2021, $44,000 worth of scholarships and awards were given to TRMF employees.

Tjaden Scholarship winners are also eligible to receive additional awards:

Tim Johnson Scholarships

Up to two awards of $500 for courage and humor

Winston Satran Scholarship

One award of $500 for character and hard work

Wade Westin Scholarships

Up to two awards of $500 for dedication to Medora and enthusiasm for the Badlands, the Medora Musical, and all that Medora offers

Richard Johnson Education Scholarship

One award of $500 for an employee pursuing an education degree in North Dakota who loves Medora and values education

Scholarship Opportunities:


Hubbard Scholarship

Two students attending the University of North Dakota will be presented with a $1,500 Don Hubbard Educational Assistance Award.


Sheila Schafer “Sunshine Award”

A $1,500 scholarship is awarded to a student worker who is a true “day maker” – someone who enriches the lives of co-workers and guests through a positive attitude, energy in their work, and genuine kindness.


Shannon “Sunshine” Larson Scholarship

Two students will be presented with one of the two: either $1,500 scholarships, for demonstrating leadership and positively influencing guests and co-workers through a truly sunny outlook on life.


Dean Hildebrand Conservation Scholarship

A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a student worker who shows, in addition to good character, work ethic, and leadership, an active desire to promote the conservation of natural resources.



Several $500 awards are also presented each year for employees who exemplify leadership qualities in the workplace, who model great work ethic and who have superb customer service skills. These awards are offered to employees who are not pursuing an undergraduate degree.