For years, Lonnie & Pam Laffen of Grand Forks, North Dakota took a summer family trip to Medora.
The Laffen family recognized the promise of Harold Schafer’s dream of family-friendly entertainment in the Badlands—and felt it in their own lives. That’s what inspired them to start an endowment that will help provide a stable, ongoing source of money for the Medora Musical.
In December of 2020, just months after establishing the endowment, Lonnie unexpectedly passed away—but the power of his generosity will be felt for generations. Per the Laffens’ wishes, funeral and sympathy gifts were directed to this new endowment. Lonnie and Pam’s legacy will be remembered in Medora and felt at the Medora Musical forever.
These donors have contributed at least $25,000 to this endowment
Created and initially funded by Pam & Lonnie (dec.) Laffen
Clinton & Ardella Larson
Rolfson-Larson Family
Contribute to the Medora Musical Endowment
The Medora Musical is the Performing arts in Medora are such a large part of what adds to our presentations of history and entertainment. Your support goes a long way in making it happen.
If you’d like to make a contribution to the Medora Musical Endowment, you can easily click the online contribute button below.
We are celebrating the 60th edition of the Medora Musical this summer. The Medora Musical Endowment helps to maintain and improve America’s most beautiful outdoor amphitheatre and will keep us going well into the future!
If you’d like to make a contribution to the Medora Musical Endowment, you can easily click the online contribute button below.