June 8, 2024 | At the Tjaden Terrace following the Medora Musical
Join the cast, crew and creatives of the Medora Musical for a peak behind the curtain to learn about the process of making the Greatest Show in the West. Enjoy an exclusive post-show refreshments and a panel discussion moderated by TRMF board chair and former Burning Hills Singer, Levi Andrist.
The Greatest Show in the West is back with more history, more humor, and even more Western spirit! Join us opening weekend to be the first folks to take in 2024’s show and maximize your season passes all summer long.
Plus, welcome Bill Sorenson back to the stage as the Medora Musical Variety Act June 5-July 7.
NEW in 2024 – Kids eat FREE at the Pitchfork Steak Fundue!
Kick off summer with a good ol’ Badlands barbecue! A perfect evening in Medora starts with grabbing a plate, sitting down with the family, and enjoying more live music, lawn games and breathtaking views.
For over 50 years, we’ve believed Medora is a special place. It’s our mission to preserve this place for generations and to connect people to Medora for positive, life-changing experiences. To plan your trip and experience Medroa visit medora.com.