Make-A-Wish Night at the Medora Musical: Harper’s Wish Granted On Stage!

Thursday, September 7 at the Medora Musical was magical in more ways than usual!
That night’s performance was dedicated to Make-A-Wish – the wonderful organization that helps grant wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses.
Six “Wish Kids” from North Dakota were introduced on stage at the Burning Hills Amphitheatre. Their wishes were granted over the last few years – ranging from a fishing trip in Alaska to being a police officer for a day.
But one girl, Harper from Glen Ullin, ND, had been waiting for her wish to come true – until Thursday! It was announced. on stage that her wish to go to Disney World is coming true.
All six kids received warm welcomes from the Medora Musical audience, and our hearts were filled by seeing Harper’s reaction to having her wish granted.
Learn more about the great work done by Make-A-Wish North Dakota by clicking this link!